Thursday 2 August 2007

#23 Is this really the end?

  • What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey?


  • How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals?

    It made me realise how little undisturbed, unscheduled time I really have.

  • Were there any take-aways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

    not really

  • What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept?

    One of the aspects of Web2.0 that is likely to be causing us a great deal of trouble is the legal and taxation aspects of Web2.0 transactions. An example is this ABC transcript

    And last but not least…

  • If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you again chose to participate?

    I'd consider it..

#22 Audiobooks

huh.. this takes me back. I used to have to rip the tracks off the audiobook CDs at the public library to get them on my MP3 player. Nice to know that you can download them direct these days. However the PLCMC website I couldn't find how to register online, so I can't access Net Library.

When I used to buy AV stock, there was a huge divide in the clientele between the unedited narrative, and the audio play. I can imagine the that division still exists.

#21 Podcasts, Smodcasts

I like the idea of podcasts, but I found my usual problem flicking through Yahoo! Podcasts. Generally speaking, I have trouble sitting long enough to get through an entire podcast. For example, I downloaded a 41 minute Podcast, and it took 35 seconds for me to be interrupted, and 2 minutes and 31 seconds for the TV to be turned on over the top.

So between kids, family and work, it is almost inconceivable to have that much listening time. About the only time I can listen to stuff is commuting, and generally I prefer music. For this I use an iPod, which even as we speak is downloading my podcast subscriptions, but even then it's hard to find time to watch/listen to them. I currently have 18 unwatched episodes of Chaser's War on Everything to watch on my iPod.

In principle fabulous, in practice not as good as a book, since I can generally quickly re-read the last sentence to get back on track.